VR Oxygen Mark Use Guidelines
These Mark Use Guidelines (“Guidelines”) let you know about VR Oxygen’s rights with respect to its marks and when and how you can use them. The Guidelines are a part of and incorporate the Terms of Service. Capitalized terms not defined in these Guidelines are defined in the User Agreement or in the other Terms of Service or have the meanings given such terms on the Site. To the extent permitted by applicable law, VR Oxygen may modify these Guidelines without prior notice to you, and any revisions to these Guidelines will take effect when posted on the Site unless otherwise stated in the revised Guidelines. Please check the Site often for updates.
The VR Oxygen name and logo are trademarks of VR Oxygen. These Guidelines explain the terms under which you are allowed to use the “VR Oxygen Marks”, which for purposes of these Guidelines and the other VR Oxygen Terms of Service means VR Oxygen’s trademarks, including the following:
VR Oxygen

The VR Oxygen Marks are among our most valuable assets. In order to preserve and strengthen our identity, these Guidelines provide conditions of use and clear instructions on the proper use of the VR Oxygen Marks.
The VR Oxygen Marks that are also logos are also referred to in these Guidelines as the “VR Oxygen Logo Marks”. For example, the VR Oxygen Logo Marks include:

You may not use a VR Oxygen Logo Mark unless you have a written license, granted by VR Oxygen, permitting you to use the VR Oxygen Logo Mark. If you have not been granted such a license, then you must not use, copy, modify, distribute, or post the VR Oxygen Logo Mark for any reason. If you have such a license from VR Oxygen Logo Mark to use the VR Oxygen Logo Mark, you must use the VR Oxygen Logo Mark only as licensed and only in accordance with these Guidelines.
You may use VR Oxygen Marks other than the Logo Marks descriptively, provided you adhere to these Guidelines, or as otherwise permitted by law.
Descriptive use includes instances where you are referring to VR Oxygen or VR Oxygen services, such as “I registered on VR Oxygen’s website today”, “I attended VR Oxygen’s testing livestream yesterday”, or “VR Oxygen services have saved my company money.”
Keep these principles in mind as well:
- Your use should never mislead anyone to believe VR Oxygen sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company, products, or services exists when it does not.
- When referring to VR Oxygen, use the VR Oxygen name in a plain text font and format only.
- VR Oxygen always appears as "VR Oxygen," never as "VROxygen", “VrOxygen”, “vrOxygen”, "VRoxygen", or "vroxygen".
Unless you have written permission from VR Oxygen, you must never use any VR Oxygen Mark:
- On any letterhead, business card, or signature block;
- As part of your business name or a domain name;
- As part of a user ID, including on VR Oxygen or social media;
- In association with any third-party trademark in a manner that might create potential confusion as to the ownership of the VR Oxygen Mark;
- In any manner that suggests or could lead someone to believe you are acting on behalf of or in association with VR Oxygen or that VR Oxygen has endorsed or sponsored your product or services; or
- Outside of your relationship with us, except as permitted by VR Oxygen in writing.
Even if you have permission to use a VR Oxygen Logo Mark, you must never use any VR Oxygen Logo Mark:
- That has been reproduced from an unauthorized artwork;
- That has been modified, including color specifications, position and relative size of the letterings;
- That has been modified to use negative or reverse “drop-out” reproduction;
- Tightly confined in a band or bar; or
- With other seals, logos, or other marks of other entities.
You may not use screenshots of or videos of navigation of the Site (as defined in the Site Terms of Use) or other works copyrighted by VR Oxygen without VR Oxygen’s written permission. Rights to screenshots of user profiles, communications, and work product on VR Oxygen may need to be obtained from the User. You may not use such screenshots anywhere for any purpose without written authorization. VR Oxygen cannot grant you permission to use screenshots that include third-party content.
Effective September 4, 2020